Town Studio and Creative Agency is an East Williamsburg, Brooklyn, photography studio offering membership packages and production space. Town is the physical manifestation of photographer Travis Matthews who conceived of this space in 2020. Named after the capitol of his native, Guyana, Georgetown, Matthews created this production as a replica of what Georgetown represents to the Guyanese people, a meeting space where all is possible. The Guyanese people call Georgetown, Town, and Town Studios is emblematic of the same ethos. 

- Town Studio is roughly 720 sq ft , furnished with every comfort and professionally equipped for teams of up to 10. Large enough to accommodate major projects, but intimate enough that creativity is not drowned out by noise. The space is self service and offers privacy to create and use the space to be completely comfortable in, and take your time creating. Unlike the rest of New York, Town time is not rushed.

Inside Town Studio

This space to create invitation and concept is one of the reasons  why some of the top photographers in the world choose Town. It is convenient to New York, offers exceptional lighting and physical orientation, and booking ease and terms are favorable to those needing last minute production space. Talent agencies, creative agencies, and photographers keep Town booked and it is the birthplace of some of the most provocative and successful campaigns. See what is Produced in Town here

When are you coming to Town?
